RLHOA Board Activities

The Royal Links Homeowners Association Board of Directors consists of five elected directors.  These five directors are:  President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Assistant Secretary.  These individuals are elected by the members of the Homeowners Association.

At an annual meeting of RLHOA, association president, James Brown, stressed the importance of the homeowners and the association striving to protect the value of owners’  property; preserving the natural beauty of the subdivision; providing harmonious appearances, uniform fences and mailboxes; and maintaining attractive homes and adequate free spaces. 

Our ultimate goal is to continue to ensure and elevate the highest housing standards and the quality of the place we, as Royal Links homeowners, call home.  James Brown, RLHOA President

Royal Links Committees
  • Architectural Committee:  Marty Trunk & Tony Ariola
  • Media Committee: Krista Rawling
  • Lake Committee: James Brown & Tony Ariola


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